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What it is Internet Wealth Code?

How to Make money on the Internet?
Apply The Internet Wealth Code and you will see at least you will get some , The Code is 1 , 2, 3 or STEP 1, 2, 3
You need apply this code if you want making money on the net
Below it is explanation what code all about
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Here Some Free Info that i gather while i am online since 2007 , How, Where , What and When the Internet Wealth Code to Apply

STEP 3 - Visitor/ Traffic/ Visit your site

Most importing this is How to Get Free Traffic and Visitor to my site?

Your site is mean noting if other don't know about your site , so most importing this is get the visitor to visit your site
Here a couple of tips just to share - hope will help

1. Using popular search engine such as Google and Yahoo to file a Blog submitter/add URL website - keyword search is " submit blog Free ", will will see thousand of website give that service ( remember good submitter website not only in 1st page of your search )

2. Ping your Link to most popular site- keyword is Ping my blog, Ping my site, Ping URL , Ping website

3. Submit your rss feed - keyword is submit my rss , free submit rss, Free submit feed , add feed website

4. Using free advertisement website -keyword search is free ads, free advertisement website, free to promote and something like that * for Malaysian, Indonesian, Brunei and Singapore - keyword is free iklan, iklan percuma, iklan gratis, Iklan free * In my experience your URL intermediately will appear in most popular search engine such as Yahoo and Google

3. Using Forum and post your article in that forum* make sure follow the forum rules or your will be ban because of spamming- keyword search is making money forum, online cash forum , cash forum or something like that

5. Using back link , is mean post your URL in popular blog that have comment appear but be careful don't spam it , the trick is - after give your comment make sure put you back link/URL
and better use HTML code
example like this -

6. Using "ADD URL" website, is mean your submit your link to website directory that have free add URL - keyword search is add URL free, submit my site free , free submit URL, free submit site

7. Using URL submitter software - keyword search is URL submitter software ,tips = The software is paying software , but major software give your trial period so using the trial period to submit your URL as much as you like - most URL submitter software give you 3000 to 5000 ADD URL website and you can submit automatically or manually ( this software give you the shortcut)

8. Using Blog Discussing such as Blogcatalog, Bloglog , myspace, friendster or something like that

9. Join the Yahoo answer or Google answer - post your blog link to answer the related question

10. Email your friends about your blog

* i will update all website and link to submit your blog or site for free in categorize that i gather while i am on the net - up date soon, stay tune
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